Port of Long Beach (POLB), Capital Improvement Program, Master Program

Services Provided:
Cost Estimating
Contract Administration
Bidding & Award Support
RFP Development
Construction Suppor
Construction Maintenance
This multi-billion dollar Capital Improvement Program (CIP) included several projects including: Redevelopment of Piers D, E, & F Wharf/Backlands and Construction of Berth E26 Wharf/Backlands; Terminal Buildings Demolition; Phase 1 RMG Container and Rail Yard Redevelopment; and The North Gate project which included installation and construction of a dozen truck weigh scales, two optical card reader (OCR) buildings, a customs building and a patrol building.
MARRS provided program management support for the implementation of the CIP. MARRS provided master scheduling services involving more than 100 CIP projects. Specific tasks included the preparation of schedules and expenditure reports for use by the project managers for tracking the progress of a project. Additional services that MARRS was responsible for included: management of the planning, design, permitting, and bidding phases, as well as providing support during the construction phases of the projects, in addition to program/project control policies and procedures, and training of POLB personnel.
Project Features:
• Wharfs/Backlands
• Rail Yard
• Buildings
• Utilities
• Roadways